Compassionate Communication (NVC) with opportunities in Houston
I am so passionate about NVC (nonviolent communication) because I believe that this way of thinking, feeling, and communicating is the closest to what healthy religions tell us to practice in order to bring ourselves toward unity. Because of the world we live in and the way most of us were raised, this is a radical shift. The process is simple but difficult. This process addresses; 1) how we see things, 2) check in with how our bodies are reacting to the stimulus, 3) pause to choose how we respond, and 4) respond with respect to everyone's needs equally. I believe we need to retrain ourselves through practice and role play. As I watched our daughter's therapies open new neural pathways to minimize her social and speech delays, I realized that this is what happens to us as we practice the NVC method. It is as if new pathways between our head and heart are created. The more we practice, the more likely we are to find one of these new connections in our daily life. Doors are opened for us to
respond to life within our value systems, with care and connection rather than letting our egos take over when we are triggered. If you visit the nonviolent communication tab, or click here, you will begin to see some examples of how this method of living and connecting opens the door for meaningful connections with our children, co-workers, friends, and strangers. There is probably a thread of NVC in every post on my blog about connection, perception, authenticity, gratitude, peace or justice. This is a game changer, one I believe our world desperately needs.
To meet my need for authenticity, I want to be clear that this is a process of change. I celebrate the moments when this process overshadows the way my ego wants me to respond. I am working toward having this happen more often. If you know me, you know that it is a work in progress. I think it is possibly the most important work we can do.
Power of Compassion has some wonderful upcoming events and offerings in Houston that I hope you will look into. Please visit their website for more information.
Whole-Hearted Communication -Consciously Choosing Connection and Compassion
This is a 5-session Foundational course for those who are fairly new to this communication process known around the world as NVC (Nonviolent Communication)
Facilitators: Bren Hardt and Trinn Spiecher
Dates: Total of 14 hours Saturday, Sept 7, 1:30pm to 5pm followed by
Sunday evenings Sept 8, 15, 22, & 29 from 5:30pm to 8pm.
Parenting from the Heart: Parenting Through Connection instead of Coercion
Through Love instead of Fear
Sundays in September 2013 (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th) 1:30pm to 5pm
Facilitators: Susan Wildin, MD and Bren Hardt, CNVC Certified trainer
PLACE: Prelude Music School 3701 W. Alabama Suite 210 HOU 77027
with CNVC Certified Trainer Robert Gonzales!
Three wonderful workshop days (October 25-27th, 2013) at Villa de Matel in Houston
Sponsored by us.
respond to life within our value systems, with care and connection rather than letting our egos take over when we are triggered. If you visit the nonviolent communication tab, or click here, you will begin to see some examples of how this method of living and connecting opens the door for meaningful connections with our children, co-workers, friends, and strangers. There is probably a thread of NVC in every post on my blog about connection, perception, authenticity, gratitude, peace or justice. This is a game changer, one I believe our world desperately needs.
To meet my need for authenticity, I want to be clear that this is a process of change. I celebrate the moments when this process overshadows the way my ego wants me to respond. I am working toward having this happen more often. If you know me, you know that it is a work in progress. I think it is possibly the most important work we can do.
Power of Compassion has some wonderful upcoming events and offerings in Houston that I hope you will look into. Please visit their website for more information.
Whole-Hearted Communication -Consciously Choosing Connection and Compassion
This is a 5-session Foundational course for those who are fairly new to this communication process known around the world as NVC (Nonviolent Communication)
Facilitators: Bren Hardt and Trinn Spiecher
Dates: Total of 14 hours Saturday, Sept 7, 1:30pm to 5pm followed by
Sunday evenings Sept 8, 15, 22, & 29 from 5:30pm to 8pm.
Parenting from the Heart: Parenting Through Connection instead of Coercion
Through Love instead of Fear
Sundays in September 2013 (8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th) 1:30pm to 5pm
Facilitators: Susan Wildin, MD and Bren Hardt, CNVC Certified trainer
PLACE: Prelude Music School 3701 W. Alabama Suite 210 HOU 77027
with CNVC Certified Trainer Robert Gonzales!
Three wonderful workshop days (October 25-27th, 2013) at Villa de Matel in Houston
Sponsored by us.