Enneagram opportunities via Judy Wilbratte
If you haven't given yourself the chance to dig into why you think and act the way you do- give yourself this gift- go to an introductory enneagram class with Judy. it is a great way to begin a fulfilling journey inward and more understanding journey outward!
Level 1 - Enneagram Introductory Class
Sunday, September 8 (1:00-5:00 pm)
The Enneagram is a personality system that teaches emotional intelligence and helps us expand our relationship skills. It describes specifically how we unknowingly separate from God, ourselves, and others. This system improves our understanding of ourselves and others by discovering the nine different ways each style behaves, feels, and thinks. This class is for those new to the Enneagram and those who want to learn practical Enneagram applications for daily life. Learn the characteristics and helpful communication tips for the nine styles and discover the speaking style, body language, and anger triggers for the nine personalities. See videos of people of each style, enjoy lively interactive exercises, and discover the “catch-22” for the each style. $40 Fee. To get the Early bird price of $30, checks must be received bySept. 4.
The Enneagram is a personality system that teaches emotional intelligence and helps us expand our relationship skills. It describes specifically how we unknowingly separate from God, ourselves, and others. This system improves our understanding of ourselves and others by discovering the nine different ways each style behaves, feels, and thinks. This class is for those new to the Enneagram and those who want to learn practical Enneagram applications for daily life. Learn the characteristics and helpful communication tips for the nine styles and discover the speaking style, body language, and anger triggers for the nine personalities. See videos of people of each style, enjoy lively interactive exercises, and discover the “catch-22” for the each style. $40 Fee. To get the Early bird price of $30, checks must be received bySept. 4.
A 48-hour cancellation notice is required for a full refund. Registration is suggested due to limited seating. Please call for child care arrangements. For information, email Judy Wilbratte at info@the9types.com or call (713) 410-7123. (FYI - The room can be chilly)
Save The Date: Feb. 15-16, 2014,we are presenting a major event, The Somatic Enneagram.
This workshop will be held at St. Paul's UMC and is for people familiar with the Enneagram and their type. This workshop focuses on our body wisdom and how to use it to decrease our type's reactivity. The presenters are Terry Saracino (my teacher) and Marion Gilbert.