Rewriting the Psalms

In one of the spiritual direction institute's classes, we learned to rewrite a psalm.  This was a meaningful exercise for me.  So much of the bible intimidates me.  Over the years, I've become very skeptical of how it has been interpreted and used to divide instead of unite.  To be able to sit with a psalm line by line and let it speak to me in a way that feels unitive and inspiring for my path was very healing.

Psalm 131

O Lord, my heart is not proud
It is only when I do your work that pride has no meaning for me.

My eyes are not raised too high
My eyes rest on the present moment.  Only on what exists in your presence to be found in this moment.

I do not occupy myself with things too great and marvelous for me
Things that seem to be important in our world are shallow, meaningless and melt away.

I have a calmed and quieted soul
I release the grasp of the brass ring, the empty promises of our culture, and my heart is fully at peace

Like a child in its mothers arms
I love and am loved and I rest my body and it's longings.  Your glory is waiting for me to let go and become still so it can be revealed.

Like a weaned child is my soul is within me
Within me you live and move and breathe

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
Allow my peace and connection with you to be a way for others to see your grace

Both now and forevermore
Let me not be tempted to turn away from this knowing and being